Testimonies of Faith

Cursing My Birthplace To seeing God’s Hidden Blessing Cont’d

If you’ve made it this far from part one, thank you for joining me on this journey. As I continue to reflect on my journey, part two takes you through the turning points that slowly began to change my view of the world. The challenges didn’t vanish, but somehow, each one became a stepping stone toward something I hadn’t yet realized I was capable of. In this part of my story, I’ll show you how, even in the darkest moments, a sense of purpose started to emerge, and how faith began to unravel in ways I never imagined. It wasn’t an easy road, but it was the road I had to walk to understand the powerful presence of God in my life.

New Beginnings

I eventually migrated to the United States, and while it hasn’t been easy, far from it, I’m grateful for the opportunity to work and provide for my family in ways I never could before. When I hear Americans complain about oppression or systems being set up against them, I often think to myself: If only they could spend a week in my shoes back in Jamaica, would they still speak the same way?

Here in America, I know that if I work hard and make sacrifices, things will eventually pay off. A perfect example of this is my father. At 50 years old, he came to America and started his own trucking company, becoming his own boss, something he could never have done in Jamaica. When I reflect on my own journey, I realize that in just a few years here, I’ve been able to achieve things I couldn’t even dream of back home, like owning a car and renting my own apartment.

Being born in Jamaica once seemed like the worst thing that could have happened to me. I used to joke that if I ever had children, I wouldn’t let them be born on Jamaican soil. I was convinced that if my mentally ill brother had been born in a developed country, he would have received proper government assistance. The hardships we faced, my mother’s absence, hunger, abuse, I believed these wouldn’t have gone unchecked.

Beyond Blame

I’m not advocating for a life dependent on government assistance, far from it. But at least here in America, there are systems in place to support people during hard times.

As time passed, my perspective began to change. I started looking inward and realized that instead of falling down the rabbit hole of blame, I could take steps to create the change I wanted to see in Jamaica. Maybe, in some way, I was meant to be part of the solution.

A Shift in Perspective

I know the gaps in the system all too well. I’ve lived through them. I’ve felt the burden of a broken education system, the struggle for basic necessities like graduation packages and meals. The hardships of families with mentally ill children, and I’ve felt the weight of student loan debt with no clear path to a job. I want to give back to my country one day. Creating programs that help kids make informed choices before they take on debt for a degree that doesn’t guarantee a job. I want to help to provide assistance for families who can’t afford education, and support for families raising children with mental health challenges.

I know some of you reading this, especially college students from different countries, may think that student loan debt is normal. That’s completely true, but let me paint a picture.

I graduated from university with almost $20,000 in debt and struggled for nearly two years to find a stable job. During that time, I took on various temporary jobs just to get by. When I finally secured a job at a call center, I was earning just over $2 an hour. On top of that, I had to move to the city for work since I was living in a rural area.

How was I supposed to survive on just $100 a week before taxes? With regular bills piling up and such a hefty loan to repay, making ends meet felt impossible.

Giving Back

This newfound realization gave me a sense of hope and drive that I never had before. Now, I’m constantly searching for ways to give back to my country, whether it’s helping a child with back-to-school supplies or supporting a local family with groceries.

Giving back

I’ve come to understand that change doesn’t always start with grand gestures; sometimes, it begins with a single step, a willing heart, and faith in God’s plan. Even when the path seems uncertain, I trust that God will lead me in the right direction. With His guidance, I know that one day, I will have the opportunity to make a real difference.

And just when I thought I had it all figured out, God aligned for me to experience something that would shift my perspective in ways I never expected.

Acknowledging Injustice While Finding Gratitude

I began reading about places like North Korea, where people are oppressed, starved, and controlled by their leaders. The people there don’t have the freedom to choose, to dream, or to practice faith or religion. They live in a system so broken that it’s almost unimaginable. They risk escaping, only to face trafficking, sexual assault, discrimination, and much more, just for a chance to escape.

A chance at a life I often take for granted, never failing to complain and only seeing the bad in my own situation. It made me stop and think: Where would I be if I didn’t have my faith to lean on? Where would I be without God’s promises of forgiveness and salvation?

As I read about various injustices, I found myself going down a rabbit hole, uncovering the harsh realities that many people around the world endure. Stories of women being trafficked, young girls forced into child marriages, and lives controlled by forces beyond their control. With each new account, I began to see how deeply blessed I am. Despite the struggles I faced, I wasn’t born into a war-torn country. I wasn’t trafficked, denied an education, or forced to live a life I didn’t choose.

Unseen Suffering

The more I read, the more I reflected on the overwhelming amount of evil that exists in this world. So much happens behind closed doors, countless atrocities hidden in the shadows. Humans, driven by greed, power, or selfish ambition with no regard for human life.

They exploit and dehumanizing others for profit, control or to uphold cultural practices that are clearly inhumane. Children suffer unimaginable abuse at the hands of those meant to protect them. Parents discard newborn girls simply because they prefer sons. Fathers harm their own daughters in unimaginable ways, while mothers remain silent out of fear or societal pressure.

Using Awareness and Compassion to Spark Change

Even more unsettling religions claiming righteousness often hypocritically commit vile crimes against their own followers. Faith, meant to offer hope and moral guidance, is frequently twisted to justify oppression, violence, and control.

Many have suffered in the name of religious doctrines that, instead of bringing freedom and love. They have been used to justify slavery, genocide, gender-based violence, and countless other atrocities. It is a chilling reminder that evil doesn’t always come from obvious places it often disguises itself as holiness.

These realizations left me shaken. How could people be so cruel? How can so much suffering go unnoticed? But in the midst of these questions, I found a different perspective. I cannot fix all the world’s problems, but I can choose to be a force for good. Awareness is the first step, and action follows. No matter how overwhelming the darkness may seem, I refuse to turn a blind eye.

That’s why I’m sharing this blog post, not just to express my thoughts and share my gratitude for God’s protection over my life. I also want to bring awareness to these injustices. The more we acknowledge the reality of what is happening, the more we can push for change.

While my own life was far from perfect, these stories made me realize that God had been shielding me from things far worse. And with that realization comes a responsibility. I made a commitment to use my voice, my resources, and my compassion to make a difference, however small it may seem. If even one person reads this and feels moved to do the same, then this conversation was worth having.

God’s Plan for Me

Jeremiah 29:11 states “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

As I reflect on this verse, I am deeply grateful. I wasn’t born into a life that denied me the chance to dream. I had been spared from evils I couldn’t even fathom. The pain, the hardships, the sense of being overlooked and forgotten by the system, those experiences shaped who I am today. They taught me resilience, patience, and the importance of faith. I learned that even in the darkest times, God was still guiding me, and that faith would carry me through.

Looking back, I now realize that each challenge was a lesson, and every struggle was part of a bigger plan. My experiences in Jamaica, as difficult as they were, were part of the foundation for the person I am becoming.

I might not have had the ideal childhood, or the perfect opportunities, but I now understand that those struggles have given me a unique perspective. I know what it feels like to be overlooked, to be dismissed, and to have dreams that seem impossible. But I also know what it feels like to fight back, to rise above, and to turn those dreams into reality.

To anyone reading this who is facing a situation that feels impossible or unfair, know that you are not alone. Your struggle does not define you, it’s just a chapter in your story. Keep moving forward, because breakthrough often comes when you least expect it.

Looking Forward with Faith and Hope

Through my journey, I’ve learned that it’s not about feeling sorry for yourself. It’s not about dwelling on the unfairness of life or your past. It’s about picking up the pieces, finding strength in the struggle, and discovering how to make a difference, no matter the circumstances. It’s about choosing to rise above and trust that God has a purpose for every part of your story. The challenges you face don’t define you, they prepare you for something greater.

I am focused on what I can do to bring about change, not just in my homeland, but anywhere that needs it. Whether near or far, I believe that with God’s help, I can be part of the change that is so desperately needed. I want to use my experiences to help others recognize the blessings in their own lives. I want to inspire them to keep fighting for a better tomorrow.

I’m no longer bitter or angry about the life I was born into. Instead, I see it as a platform, a place where God’s work can be done, both in me and through me. Now, I am ready to embrace my future with hope, know that God has been with me every step of the way. If you’ve made it this far and are still with me, keep pushing forward. Your future is filled with endless possibilities. With faith, resilience, and God’s guidance, there’s no limit to what you can achieve.

The best is yet to come.

The End

Thank you so much for joining me on this journey, your presence and support mean more than words can express. If you missed Part One, you can find it [here]. Let’s continue moving forward together, with faith, hope, and a determination to make a difference, no matter where we are.

Hi everyone! I’m Wesika Miles. I’m originally from beautiful Jamaica but now live in Texas. Moving here has deepened my faith journey in unexpected ways. In the past, my faith was more about obligation than a deep spiritual connection. Over time, I began to see God’s presence everywhere, in big miracles and small everyday moments. This led me to start my blog, Amateur Faith. On this blog, I share uplifting stories of hope, faith, and personal growth. My goal is to encourage others to see God’s hand in their lives, even in unexpected places. Whether you’re new to faith or have been walking with God for years, I hope to inspire you and spark honest conversations about life and faith. Join me as we explore the wonders of God, learn from the Bible, and embrace the beauty of growing, imperfections and all!