Essential Tips for Keeping Your Faith Strong in College
First off, I want to give a big congratulations on taking that bold step to further your education! College can be tough, but trust me, you’ve got this. Look at how far you’ve come, God didn’t bring you this far to leave you hanging.
I know college can feel a bit intimidating, especially if you’re just starting out and away from home. That homesickness? It’s normal, but it fades with time.You’ll get so used to college life that it’ll feel like home, and trips back will be few and far between. Before you know it, your family will be begging you to come home because they miss you so much!
If you’re staying at home while going to school, that’s still a big adjustment! You’re navigating a new environment, meeting new friends, and basically experiencing a whole new chapter of your life.
There are tons of distractions in college, whether it’s classes, parties, relationships, jobs, or all the activities happening on campus. With all that going on, it’s important to focus on your faith journey. So, I want to dive into the top ten essential items and practices you need to kickstart or continue your faith journey. I’m so proud of you for making time for the Lord in this busy season of your life! Remember, with Him by your side, you can tackle anything that comes your way!
So, without further ado, let’s jump right in!
1. Being accountable
The first thing you need to focus on, holding yourself accountable.
College, like I said before, is full of distractions. It gets overwhelming. Fast. But through it all, you have to hold yourself accountable. Make time for God. Don’t get so caught up in everything around you that you push Him to the side.
Remind yourself constantly, God is with you. With Him, you can do anything. Make Him the center of everything you do.
Is it easy? No. Trust me, it’s not. But this? This is one of the most important steps.
2. Set a Schedule
Making time for God is essential, but it’s easy to get overwhelmed if you try to do too much too soon. The key is to be intentional and realistic about fitting the Word into your daily routine. Instead of jumping in full force and burning out, like I’ve done more times than I’d like to admit, start small.
Decide how many days a week you want to commit, whether it’s one, two, or more. Set a time frame that works for you, whether it’s 15 minutes or an hour. And if setting a time feels too structured, you can simply focus on reading a verse or a chapter whenever you get a moment. The goal isn’t to rush through it, it’s to build consistency and truly reflect on what you’re reading. Even one verse, when read with intention, can shift your perspective and strengthen your faith.
3. Set Reminders
When life gets busy and you’re rushing through your day, trying to juggle assignments, social plans, and everything in between. It’s easy to let your faith take a backseat. But what if you could create little reminders that pull you back to God throughout the day? Whether it’s sticky notes with Bible verses scattered around your dorm room or setting an alarm that gently reminds you to spend time in the Word, these small acts can make a big difference.
Set those alarms at the time that works best for you, maybe it’s first thing in the morning or right before bed. Don’t think it has to be a long session. Even 15 minutes, in the middle of a chaotic day, can be life-changing. Choose a quiet corner where it’s just you and God, no distractions, no pressure. Let that time be your sacred moment to recharge, reflect, and connect with the One who’s been with you through every test and triumph.
When you make time for Him, even in small ways, you’re building a habit that strengthens your foundation for the long haul. Keep those reminders in place, and soon, your faith will be the first thing on your mind, not just another thing you have to squeeze into your schedule. God is always there, waiting for you to show up. So, carve out that space, He’s ready to meet you there.
4. You need a Bible
Picture this. You sit down to spend time with God, you open your Bible app and before you even read the first verse, a notification pops up. A message here, an email there, and suddenly, you’re scrolling through social media instead of soaking in Scripture.
Listen, technology is great, but sometimes, it works against us. That’s why I’m saying, get yourself a physical Bible. One you can hold. One you can flip through. One where you can highlight verses that speak to you and write notes in the margins. There’s something about turning those pages, about removing the distractions, and just letting God’s Word speak to you.
If you already have one, pull it out. Let it be more than just another book on the shelf, let it be the guide that leads you daily.
5. Download Bible app
If using the Bible app works for you, that’s totally fine! But here’s the thing, distractions are everywhere. You open the app, and before you know it, you’re answering texts instead of reading scripture. That’s why I recommend putting your phone on Do Not Disturb and turning off notifications. That way, when you open the app, you stay in the app.
Now, the daily Bible verse feature? It’s a great tool, especially when you’re on the go or don’t have much time. But don’t just glance at it and move on. Actually read it. Take a moment to understand what it’s saying. Reflect on how it applies to your life. I know from experience, it’s easy to just skim the verse, feel good that you “read the Bible” for the day, and move on. At one point, I was doing exactly that. I’d open the notification, read it just so I wouldn’t feel guilty, and keep going without really thinking about it. But the Bible isn’t something to check off a to-do list. It’s meant to guide you, challenge you, and draw you closer to God.
So if you’re using the app, use it with intention. Set aside even five minutes to really sit with the verse, maybe even read the whole chapter for context. Ask yourself, what is God saying here? How does this apply to my life right now? When you start approaching Scripture like that, even a single verse can hit deep and transform your day.
6. Bible Study Guide
Starting your Bible study can feel overwhelming, but a Bible guide can make all the difference. I didn’t think much of them at first, just another extra thing to buy. But one day, while shopping online, I saw one pop up. At first, I ignored it, but then it hit me, how could I spend money on everything else but not invest in something to help me grow spiritually? So, I added it to my cart.
When it arrived, I realized how much I had been missing. It wasn’t just random verses, it gave me structure, a daily plan, and even built-in rest days to catch up. Each week ended with a key verse, reflection questions, and steps to apply what I learned. It turned my Bible reading into something I actually looked forward to.
If you’ve ever felt stuck or unsure where to start, a Bible guide might be exactly what you need. It gave me direction, and it might just do the same for you.
7. Build a Community
College is full of people, so why not find a few who share your faith or are open to exploring it? Get together, read the Bible, discuss verses, and ask questions. It’s a powerful way to see Scripture from different perspectives and grow in your faith.
You can even take it a step further, sing worship songs, share personal experiences, and talk about how a specific verse helped you through a tough time. The same way the Word has strengthened you, it can also encourage someone else. Faith grows in community, and you never know how much of a difference these conversations can make, not just for you, but for the people around you.
8. Get Highlighters and a Journal
Imagine this, you’re reading your Bible, and a verse jumps out at you. It speaks to exactly what you’re going through. You don’t want to forget it, so you grab a highlighter, marking it in bright yellow. Next to it, you scribble a quick note about why it hit so hard. Maybe you even write out a short prayer, asking God to help you live it out.
Over time, your Bible starts filling up, colors, notes, prayers, reminders of moments when Scripture spoke directly to your life. And that journal sitting next to it? It becomes a collection of your conversations with God, a place where you pour out your thoughts, your struggles, and the things He’s teaching you. One day, you flip back through the pages and realize, this isn’t just a book of verses anymore. It’s a map of your faith journey, a reminder of how far you’ve come and how faithful God has been every step of the way.
9. Find a Church or Youth Group
Finding a church on or near campus can make a huge difference in your faith journey. It gives you a place to worship in person, build a strong community, and step away from the stress of assignments and exams, even if just for a couple of hours.
Think about it, God brought you this far, so why not set aside time to grow in your relationship with Him? When life gets tough, having that solid foundation of faith will be what holds you up. Plus, making church part of your routine can bring a sense of balance to your college life. You could even turn it into a Sunday tradition, attend service, then grab brunch with friends, refuel, and get ready to take on the week ahead.
10. Be Yourself
When you’re young, it’s easy to feel the pressure to fit in, to be someone you’re not. But trust me, there’s power in standing firm in who you are. Don’t be afraid to hold on to your beliefs, even when it feels like the world is pushing you to change. If people can’t accept you for who you truly are, then maybe they aren’t the ones you need in your life. Remember, you’re the one in control. Never let yourself get caught in situations where you lose that power. Stay true to you.
I hope as you finish reading this, you’re feeling empowered and ready to fight the good fight of faith throughout your college journey. Congratulations on this amazing achievement in your life, what’s ahead of you is filled with so much potential! Remember to make wise decisions and always keep your faith at the heart of everything you do. You’ve got this, and I know you’re going to do incredible things. God bless you!