Take accountability for faith
Everyday Inspiration

Faith Without Accountability Is Just Talk

As humans, we’re willing to make sacrifices for the things and people we love. We stand firm for what we believe in, whether it’s for a cause, a principle or a dream we’re chasing. However here’s the challenging question: why don’t we show that same level of commitment, pride, and urgency for our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ?

Let’s take it a step further. Think about how we care for our bodies. We go to the gym, eat healthy, schedule regular checkups at the doctor, and visit the dentist to keep our teeth clean and healthy. We dedicate time to skincare routines, investing in expensive products to achieve flawless skin. Maintaining our homes, servicing our cars, studying, and going all out for our jobs and personal relationships are also priorities. We pour time, money, and energy into these valued aspects of our lives.

But here’s the real question: why don’t we give our souls that same level of care and attention?

After this world passes away, the only thing we’ll truly have left is our soul. Vanity, whether in the form of wealth, beauty, or material possessions, comes and goes. But salvation? Salvation lasts forever.

Still with me? Alright, hear me out.

We’ll camp out overnight for the latest sneakers, refresh a website a hundred times for concert tickets, and line up for hours just to get the newest phone before anyone else. But would we show that same dedication and urgency for God?

Would we stand in line to hear His word? Do we hype up Christian content, support faith-based communities, or invest in our spiritual growth with the same energy we give to fleeting trends? Or does our faith get stuck in the “I’ll get to it later” section of our lives?

Be honest, are you guilty of one of these? Because I know I am.

The Hard Truth: Are We Taking God for Granted

God is the one who gave us life. He sent His one and only Son to the cross to die for us so that our sins may be forgiven. Every day, He washes us clean, offering us grace we don’t deserve. Yet, how often do we take Him for granted?

We schedule our lives around work, social events, and personal goals, but where does God fit in? How often do we push Him to the side? How many of us are guilty of treating faith like an afterthought rather than the foundation of our lives? We chase success, validation, and temporary pleasures, yet the One who gives us breath is often the last on our list.

It’s a hard truth, but one we need to face.

I’ve always been told we come into this world with nothing and leave with nothing. But let’s pause and reflect, while we didn’t arrive with material wealth, accomplishments, or status, we were entrusted with something far more valuable: our souls. And when our bodies return to the earth, it is our souls that endure, eternal and untouchable.

With that in mind, let’s recap. Throughout life, we chase vanity, whether it’s wealth, beauty, or material possessions, but these things come and go. Think about something you’ve owned for years, maybe your most prized possession. No matter how valuable it is, if it belongs to this world, it can be taken in an instant. Your most cherished item can be stolen, a natural disaster can wipe out your home. Even your life, the most precious thing you have, can be gone in a moment. But the one thing that truly belongs to you, the one thing that stays even after death, is your soul.

Invest in Faith

If you’ve made it this far, then I’ve sparked your interest. Now, take a moment to reflect: why don’t we invest more time in feeding our soul, nurturing it, and preparing it for life after death? Shouldn’t our relationship with God be our highest priority?

The truth, is messy, and faith is no different, it’s messy too. There will be days when you don’t feel like praying, reading the Bible, or going to church. There will be seasons when it feels like the world is pulling you away from God. But this is where the fight comes in, the good fight of faith. Being intentional with your faith isn’t easy. It takes effort, discipline, and sacrifice. Some days will be harder than others, but it’s worth it. 

In 1 Timothy 6:12, Paul reminds us: “Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called.”

Fight for faith

This isn’t just a casual suggestion, it’s a call to action. If you’re struggling to do it alone, find a community of believers. Whether it’s a church, a small group, or an online fellowship, God’s presence is always where two or three gather in His name.

Matthew 18:20 “Surround yourself with people who will pray with you, encourage you, and walk with you through the ups and downs of life.”

The world will do everything it can to distract you, but remember: your soul is more valuable than anything this world has to offer. Invest in it. Feed it with God’s word. Protect it with prayer. Nurture it with worship and fellowship. And when the world tempts you to chase after what is temporary, stand firm in your faith, knowing that the One who holds your future is worth every sacrifice.

Finding Balance

The Lord created this beautiful world for us to enjoy, gifting each of us with unique talents to share. Through these gifts, we experience the richness of life together. He’s not stopping us from enjoying the world, but rather guiding us to find balance. We are free to love what we cherish, care for what matters, and fight for what we believe in

Balancing Faith

However there is a fine line between enjoying the world and being consumed by it. It’s not wrong to enjoy the good things that life has to offer, after all, they are gifts from God. But when our passions, our hobbies, or even our careers take the place of our relationship with God, we lose sight of the true source of our joy. Balance means enjoying the blessings we’ve been given while still prioritizing our faith, honoring God in everything we do, and using our talents to serve His purpose.

Remember, finding balance isn’t about perfection, it’s about intentionality. It’s about making space for God in the midst of all that life demands of us. So, take time to rest, to enjoy the beauty of this world, but also make time to connect with God, to worship, and to share His love with those around you. Balance is key to living a fulfilling and faithful life, one where God’s presence is not just a part of what we do but the foundation of everything we pursue.

Supporting Christian Content

Whether you are a long-term Christian or new to the faith, it’s important to remember that we’re called to stand up for the Gospel. We’re not meant to keep it to ourselves. Just like we share a funny video or a post on social media, we should be just as eager to share the good news of Jesus with others. And it’s not just about sharing, it’s about supporting the Christian community. Just as we support other forms of media and social causes, we should also be intentional in uplifting Christian content, churches, and ministries that align with God’s purpose.

I know firsthand how overwhelming Christian content can be, trust me, I’ve been there. I’ve watched countless sermons, explored Christian YouTube channels, and read the Bible. At times, all of it left me feeling like I was too far behind, as if I’d never catch up. For a long time, I was afraid to consume Christian content because it made me feel guilty for not being perfect or for not doing more. But this post isn’t about that. It’s about creating a space of encouragement, a community where we can lean on each other and grow together.

Hard Truths

Hard truths of faith

One thing we have to understand is that faith is not a quick fix; it’s a journey, and there are hard truths we must accept. For example, I struggled for years trying to find a pastor I could listen to. I felt guilty because I wasn’t as advanced in my walk with God as others. I searched for a pastor whose voice wasn’t loud and overpowering, a voice that spoke to my life and choices.

Finally, I found a pastor on YouTube whose teachings resonated with me. He wasn’t shouting or being dramatic; his voice was gentle, and I could relate to what he was saying. I felt a sense of relief because it helped me take that first step back to God, even if it was just through listening.

However, over time, I began to realize that while this pastor had good intentions, he was telling me what I wanted to hear. Most of his sermons focused on blessings, how if you follow God, He will give you what you want. I started to build my faith on the belief that if I did this, God would do that.

It became a transactional approach to my faith, do good, and get good in return.I noticed that this pastor wasn’t holding me accountable or addressing the hard truths of the Bible. It felt as though he was shielding his audience from the difficult realities of faith.

Eventually, I stopped listening to him because I came to the realization that we can’t sugarcoat faith. We can’t only surround ourselves with messages that make us feel better. Sometimes, faith demands that we face uncomfortable truths.

It’s not always about hearing what we want to hear. It’s about accepting the full counsel of God, even when it’s hard. Faith takes effort. The world may try to make us feel unworthy, but we must face the truth, no matter how difficult.

Serve God Selflessly

We also need to understand that serving God isn’t just about what He can do for us in return. It’s about recognizing and accepting all He has already done for us. True faith requires us to trust Him, even when we don’t get what we want. Serving God should be selfless; we shouldn’t worship Him only because of the blessings He may give us. We serve Him because of who He is and because He has already given us the greatest gift of all, salvation.

I challenge you to say a prayer of thanks after reading this post. In this prayer, thank God for all He has done for you. Thank Him for protecting you from harm you did not see and for thinking of you, creating you so perfectly in your mother’s womb. Look deep within yourself and thank Him for what you know He has delivered you from, whether it’s struggles, challenges, or situations you didn’t think you’d make it through. Give Him praise for His guidance, grace, and endless love

Let’s build a faith that is founded on truth, not just blessings and let us serve God not for what He can do for us but for all he has already done. After all, faith isn’t about a transaction, it about transformation. It’s about understanding that sometimes the hard truths of life will challenge us, but those truths are what build the foundation for a deep, lasting relationship with our Creator.

Hi everyone! I’m Wesika Miles. I’m originally from beautiful Jamaica but now live in Texas. Moving here has deepened my faith journey in unexpected ways. In the past, my faith was more about obligation than a deep spiritual connection. Over time, I began to see God’s presence everywhere, in big miracles and small everyday moments. This led me to start my blog, Amateur Faith. On this blog, I share uplifting stories of hope, faith, and personal growth. My goal is to encourage others to see God’s hand in their lives, even in unexpected places. Whether you’re new to faith or have been walking with God for years, I hope to inspire you and spark honest conversations about life and faith. Join me as we explore the wonders of God, learn from the Bible, and embrace the beauty of growing, imperfections and all!